Thursday, November 22, 2018

Prayers for Humanity and the Earth

      One of the items for my 75x75 project (75 things of 75 repetitions each for my 75th year; see was to make 75 prayers for humanity and the Earth. Today, Thanksgiving Day, 2018, I list some of those prayers:

1. May the children know laughter, love, song, and freedom from fear.
2. May the leaders of the world make decisions based on the rock bed of fact and wound 'round with the glow of truth.
4. May the apple limbs hang low with rosy-cheeked apples.
5. May the snow fly thick.
6. May the geese have joy in the journey and solace at its end.
7. May the gardens flourish all over the world.
8. May the springs flow full.
9. May the earth forgive our trespasses against it, which are legion and severe.
10. May we listen to what the earth is telling us and pay heed.
11. May we never silence another living voice.
12. May we allow the earth time to lick its wounds and recover.
14. May the songbirds fill the woods and meadows as of old.
15. May the owls meet in parliaments outside my bedroom window for years to come.
17. May the voice of reason and the aura of compassion prevail.
18. May all children know the joys of childhood.
19. May the balm of sleep and the calming touch of an adult ease the pains of childhood.
21. May women and men be treated with equal respect all over the world.
22. Nature, my muse: I pledge that I will never ignore you, never neglect you, never take you for granted.
23. Nature, my muse: I pledge to find the words to speak for you to those who speak my language and do not understand yours.
24. Nature, my muse: I pledge to you a voice – a voice of beauty to your beauty, of strength to your power, of tenderness to your fragility.
25. Nature, my muse: I pledge to listen to what the earth is telling me, to hear your voice in the butterflies and frogs, in the clouds and rain, in the fires and in the stones under my feet.
26. Nature, my muse: I pledge to climb the mountains and swim the lakes, hug the trees and hold the flowers in my fingertips, letting their perfume fill my heart.
28. May the ospreys fish with abundance and the fish swim in the shadows.
29. May the streams stay cold.
30. May the rivers run free.
32. May there be increasing pockets of machine noiselessness in the world.
33. May Thomas Berry's dream of the Earth prevail, in economics, in education ,in business, in personal devotion.
34. May the trees grow tall and the flowers spread their colors over the meadows with abundance.
35. May the summers be cooler.
36. May the winters be colder.
37. May the autumns be brighter,
38. May the springs be always the season of joy.
39. May communities thrive with compassion, respect, neighborliness, and conviviality.
40. May those with illness find relief from pain.
41. May we learn to tune our hearts to the aches of others.

(See for the rest of the list.)

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